Dinesh Pandya

Distant Puja For Pitru & for self

Distant Puja

For Pitru & for self

These Puja are organised and conducted in Gujarat, India.  Each Puja is conducted by a Head Priest and up to ten additional priests to chant & perform together for the best results.

All puja costings includes dakshina, daan and food for all participating. 

One may invite their families and relatives living in India to attend this most auspicious puja.

Photographic coverage will be sent to the main Yajman for whose behalf the puja is conducted and video recording can be available if required as an optional extra.


The various puja to include:

For Pitru (ancestors)

Narayanbali      (for all deceased family persons as far

as seven generations).

Pretbali             (for new-born (died after birth)

or young children’s death).

Neel-parnavanu (for unmarried deceased male)

Ceremony with male bull calf & female heifer calf calf are married off.

Tulsivivah         for unmarried deceased female of the

Family regardless of age.

Barmu.termu     when this vidhi  has not been performed

for the deceased.

Other Puja

Kundli or Grah dosh at birth to include Nakshatra & Grah dosh, Kalsarp Yog or any dosh at birth.

Homatmak Laghu Rudra and complete NavChandi vidhi

Energising and purifying nuggets and birthstones with compete puja and as many thousands of jaaps as need be for betterment of life