Dinesh Pandya

Personal Guidance & Puja

Personal Guidance & Puja

& Relating to personal issues

I offer personal guidance by way of one-to-one appointment to assess the problem & ways to overcome these.

Puja is not always necessary, only if need be to better oneself.

Black thread / amulet (dodi)

Should one be facing fear without any valid reason or feels they have been cursed (nazar), facing depression, lack of confidence or not being able to concentrate – wearing an energized black thread or “dodi” (Amulet) would help. These small amulets, usually energised with proper prayers serves as a good omen, are a wish, an exhortation, a talisman to always carry with you. Either worn, kept in your pocket, or hung on your wall.

According to Hindu culture, wearing religious amulet is auspicious. It brings good luck and makes one feel complete.

It so prevents the negative energies that bring problems and misfortunes to a person and his family.

It is also believed wearing a black thread, one could stave off the evil effects, helps block evil eye. It also aids removal of evil effects of spirits. This traditional practice mainly being followed by Hindu and Muslim Community


If one is not making a reasonable progress in their life, to include family life, career, financially, business, jobs, love, spouse, children, illness or education, then energized and purified Yantra would help.

How does a yantra work ?

Yantra is a tool or diagram illustrating sacred geometrical arrangement in a symmetrical design which radiates cosmic positive energies, reduce negative energies and help individuals raise spiritually.

‘Yan’ means to control, curb or influence and ‘Tra’ means a tool that have strong astronomical aesthetics.

Yantras are defined as visual mantras. From ancient days onwards, these yantras have been used to remove the malign effects of the evil and strengthen the positive powers.

Yantra benefits include increase or more stability and promotion towards income, fame, new opportunities in business as well as growth and prosperity for the worshipper.

Chanting the beej mantra for example, for Mahalakshmi (Om Hreem Shreem Lakshmibhayo Namah) 108 times on a rosary is another way of activating the vibrations of the Goddess.

Does energized and purified Yantra really benefits?

Yes, it does. Usage of Yantras has been practiced since 3300 B.C as they were also found from excavation of Harappa civilization. Assuring benefits of Yantra has led to building of temples in the shapes of Yantra as mostly seen in Southern India. Yantra usually are fully activated within 40 days of installation and continue to increase energy thereafter.

Rudraksh Mala (Rosary)

The Hindu prayer beads also are known as Japa mala or rudraksh mala, came into existence thousands of years ago consisting of 108 beads mostly used by yogis and monks among others as a powerful tool for meditation. Japa mala also has an additional bead often known as larger guru, bindu bead or mother bead for counting rounds.

The japa mala of Hinduism is used to direct and count the recitation of mantras during meditation.

You can start with Japa meditation gradually as a habit. Dedicate 10-15 minutes daily to meditate while chanting the mantra.

The Rudraksh mala I have been purified and energized during Shiv’s Homatmak Laghurudra / abhisek.  Very powerful.